What are the signs and when to expect them and what do you do for an acid reflux flare up?
You've gotten your child's reflux under control and you've finally
seen those long awaited smiles now that they're feeling better! Then
out of the blue and unexpectedly you see symptoms creeping back or
you've woken up to a full on screaming session just like when you
first discovered your baby had reflux. It looks like reflux but how can that
be? You've been following all the guidelines.
There are couple of things to look for that will indicate if your baby is having an acid reflux flare up.
You can always turn to the infant reflux diary to keep track of symptoms. This helps to see fluctuations.
Compare the symptoms now to the symptoms you entered when you first filled out the questionnaire. If you are seeing three or more symptoms that are causing pain or effecting quality of life, your baby may be going through a flare up and there are some steps you should take.
There are several events that can contribute to an infant reflux flare up.
Contact our medical care team the minute you see signs of a flare.
Your team may decide to up any PPI medications by 20% for 2 weeks until that flare up passes. This is a typical protocol but is up to you to discuss treatment option with your qualified medical care practitioner. Any change in medical care should be over seen and advised by your medical care team.
If you're working with one of our doctors you can connect with them directly through our HIPAA compliant interface. We're available with unlimited email support and a 24 hour response time. They will help you with any dose adjustments and you'll be under the care of a qualified medical doctor that specializes in infant GERD.