Total Elimination Diet (TED) is difficult for any mom to navigate on her own. The good news is that you don't have to!
Discover the safest, most natural foods for nursing mothers and stop guessing what's triggering your baby's reflux symptoms with this elimination guide for nursing mothers with shopping list and daily menus.
These difficult diets are usually suggested when MSPI (Milk, Soy, Protein Intolerance) or FPIES (Food Protein-Induced Enterocolitis Syndrome) are suspected.
I'm Dr. Jennifer Prince have put together this Elimination Guide for you. I'm a doctor that specializes in integrative medicine. That means that I look at the body as a whole and use many holistic options to treat but not ruling out medicines when needed. Not all babies are alike and neither are you and your dietary needs.
I've put this guide together to help you figure out the best options for you and your baby.
What you get in the Elimination Guide For Nursing Mothers.
You can take action right away and gain the knowledge you need and start your healthy, fast and safe way to eliminating foods from your diet that could be triggering your baby's reflux.