We saw you requested to cancel your appointment. Before you cancel we'd like you to consider the information below and avoid the $50 cancellation fee.
We want to save you the $50 adminstrative fee if possible. Therefore, you may want to hold off until you read the following.
Q: What if I'm currently trying a treatment (different medication or natural approach) and want to see if it works or if my baby outgrows the reflux in the next month or so?
A: We get it! It's hard to know what to do to treat or how long these sometimes severe symptoms can last. There is no time limit to the when you can get the refund so it may be best to wait, see if what you're doing works. If it does GREAT! If it doesn't you can always reach back out to us and we'll get you scheduled and put together a treatment plan that does work.
Q: I just don't know if I'm making the right decision and not sure if this will work.
A: More than likely you've gotten SO many people telling you, how to treat, if it's a real problem, what to do and not to do. It's very confusing and hard to know which is the right choice.
All we can do is offer these written testimonials and video testimonials of from families that have gotten GREAT RESULTS from what we do. Again there is no time limit on refunds. You can always try other options and if they don't work, you can always come back to us for an effective plan.
Q: Can I switch providers even though I already paid?
A: Absolutely. If there is a price difference between providers, we will either refund you or request additional funds through paypal or original form of payment and get you scheduled with the provider of your choice.
Q: What if I change my mind and just want a refund.
A: That’s no problem. We do charge a $50 administrative fee for processing and customer care. But we can send you the balance if you email us and it’s usually processed the very same day. If you want to reduce the administrative fee you can fill out this feedback for to let us know why you cancelled and we'll only charge $30 for the administrative fee and it will help us be a better practice.
Q: You guys are right and I changed my mind! I want to keep my appointment. How do I get the latest schedule times and days?
A: Just email us with the link below and we’ll get you on your way to getting your baby help.